Nordgau Carbon

Nordgau Carbon

  • Standard: Puro.Earth
  • Methodology: Biochar
  • Credit Type: CORC
  • Facility ID: 643002406801000251
  • Location: Germany
  • Year of first issuance: 2021 
  • Status: Audited
  • Audited by: bio.inspecta
  • Spot Inventory: No
  • Forward Inventory: Yes
  • Price: €220


Nordgau Carbon is a farm-based biochar producer located in the village of Wernberg-Köblitz in South-Eastern Germany. Production commenced in April 2020 using untreated wood chips from energy-grade wood from PEFC-certified forestry operations. The production facility lies in the heart of the Bayern forest region, the average transport distance for the feedstock to the facility is only 15km.

Nordgau's high-quality biochar contains 87% carbon. Each metric ton of sequesters 2,8 tons of CO2 for centuries. Their biochar enables the responsible farmer to make an essential contribution to climate and environmental protection.

Nordgau Carbon produces biochar for mixing with manure or compost for use as a soil improvement medium. The biochar is certified by the EBC (European Biochar Certification) for use as with farm animals and agriculture. Nordgau Carbon sells most of its biochar to the local farming industry but also to customers in neighbouring countries.

All emissions from harvesting, transport and production have been accounted for in the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) which determines the net CO2 capture of each ton of biochar. The facility, LCA and supporting documentation have been audited by bio.inspecta against the Puro methodology. 



  • Soil improvement
  • Soil remediation
  • Animal litter
  • Animal feed additive


Co-benefits CORCs quantify only the net removal and storage of emissions, not reduced or avoided emissions, increased biodiversity or other positive benefits. Nonetheless, here are co-benefits related to Nordgau Carbon's biochar.

  • Harvesting and forestry management sustainably decreases the risk of forest fires, insect damage and diseases.
  • Biochar is deployed directly or indirectly for soil improvement. It dramatically increases water and nutrient retention in the soil leading to yield increases.
  • Biochar reduces nutrient leaching, which has caused damage to waterways and seas.
  • Biochar reduces the need for artificial fertilizers, which are typically energy-intensive to produce.
  • Green jobs: The production of biochar creates green jobs throughout the value chain from harvesting to distribution and usage.
  • The use of biochar as an animal feed additive has well-documented health benefits and reduces methane emissions.



Nordgau Carbon has invested in production technology specifically for biochar and carbon capture. Revenue from the sales of CORCs is an important part of their business case for future investment. Given successful sales of CORCs, the company has real opportunities to expand its production and sequester more carbon.


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